professional development WORKSHOPs: descriptions
Client Leadership
Design professionals understand the value of preparing for project interviews, of highlighting their leadership teams on websites and of describing in marketing collateral how they will lead clients toward effective solutions. Yet few firms train staff in how to proactively lead and manage clients. Participants will learn specific strategies and techniques, and start developing a toolkit for effectively leading clients throughout the entire project.
Outcomes and Benefits
Mentoring and Coaching
This workshop redefines mentoring and coaching for design professionals. Participants will learn to develop and implement mentoring and coaching initiatives that reinforce a firm’s core values and that target leadership effectiveness, constructive collaboration and career development.
Outcomes and Benefits
Leadership Development Planning
This workshop provides an overview and basic tools necessary for participants to develop a Leadership Development Plan and prepares each participant to create and manage his or her personal career planning initiative. A strategic framework will be established for acquiring the knowledge, training, mentoring and coaching necessary to develop a comprehensive range of leadership skills.
Outcomes and Benefits
Effective Self-Leadership
Leadership requires both service and continuous self-reflection. In this workshop, participants will learn self-leadership techniques for modeling leadership traits and behaviors that teach, encourage and reinforce self-leadership in others. To be truly effective and inspirational when leading others, you must first master leading yourself.
Outcomes and Benefits
Leadership Team Organization
Strong leadership teams and strategic initiatives decentralize and streamline firm-wide governance, promote cross-pollination while strengthening professional relationships and provide opportunities to shape a firm’s ongoing evolution. In this workshop, participants learn how to establish high-level firm-wide goals, develop an organizational framework tailored to their firm’s needs, establish communication protocols, develop initial team objectives and resolve anticipated challenges. Participants will be motivated to implement a collaborative leadership system that embraces shared accountability and mutual respect.
Outcomes and Benefits
Attracting and Retaining Talent
This workshop provides insights into the primary decision factors that motivate design professionals to join and remain committed to a firm. Participants will be introduced to professional development topics that design professionals find most important. Strategies will be discussed based on a firm’s current situation to initiate changes that attract and retain future leaders, key contributors and high-potential employees.
Outcomes and Benefits
Developing a Culture of Risk Management
Risk management extends beyond reviewing contract terms and implementing a technical quality control program. This workshop shows firms how to develop a risk management culture that encompasses educating clients and managing expectations, hiring for collaboration and problem-solving skills, gathering intelligence as part of “go / no-go” decisions, communicating with stakeholders, holding clients and consultants accountable for their actions and decisions, and embracing difficult conversations. Participants will leave with a broadened perspective of collaborative risk management strategies.
Outcomes and Benefits
Each professional development workshop provides clarity, challenges conventional thinking and identifies solutions that help design professionals achieve their most pressing business and personal goals.
Implementing Operating Budgets
This workshop reveals how to develop and utilize an Operating Budget to support a firm’s strategic goals, guide financial planning and develop advanced financial management techniques. Participants will learn how to use this powerful tool to make informed business decisions and improve firm-wide profitability.
Outcomes and Benefits
Project Financial Management
This workshop provides a comprehensive overview of the key factors that influence a project’s financial performance while presenting action steps for improving profitability. Participants will be prepared to immediately integrate profit-focused strategies and straightforward financial management tools into daily practice.
Outcomes and Benefits
Building a Successful Practice:
From Infancy through Mastery Design firms often struggle through different stages as they evolve and expand. This workshop describes specific steps firms must implement as they progress from Infancy through Mastery. Topics include leadership skills, business development and expansion strategies, strategic planning, staff and client management techniques, collaboration, leadership development, creating value and negotiating fees that reflect that value. Participants will leave with renewed energy and determination to improve their practice, empower staff and provide value closely attuned to their clients’ missions.
Outcomes and Benefits